La Salle County, IL

County in Northeast IL

The physical environment in LaSalle County is undergoing constant change even if that change is slow and not obvious. The socioeconomic state of the County is also dynamic. Population, income, and employment, and particularly the spatial distribution of these attributes, all play a role in the development of the County.

The population of LaSalle County is projected by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to increase from a historical two percent per decade to four percent per decade, reaching about 141,615 people by 2030.  We’re guiding residential developments into areas that can most effectively and economically provide urban services and amenities.

Sponsors of La Salle County, IL

Since the founding of our communities, organizations, businesses and citizens have stepped forward to build and serve their community. Click on any of the logos below to learn about those who made this website possible! If you would like to learn about becoming a sponsor CLICK HERE!

Towns of La Salle County, IL

The small towns of the Midwest are rich in history and a great way of life! Below you can visit and learn about the small towns we call home! Towns that have their name highlighted have become FEATURED TOWNS. Businesses/organizations from these towns have stepped forward as SPONSORS enabling us to include (or will include as acquired) stories and website links to ALL their community organizations (chambers, groups and departments, etc.), stories and website links to ALL their points of interest, annual festivals/events and stories done about their citizens, veterans and faith community. To learn how to become a featured town CLICK HERE!