Renwick, IA

Town in Humboldt County, IA

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Sponsors of Renwick, IA

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About Renwick, IA

Renwick is a city in Humboldt County, Iowa. The population was 242 at the 2010 census.

"There is only one Renwick and it’s in Iowa."

The coming of the Toledo branch of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad in 1880 and 1881 made Renwick an ideal site for a town.

Renwick was surveyed in November 1881. There was already regular railway service then, as the first train to go north was an excursion on July 4, 1881. The town plat was filed by the Western Lot Company on January 24, 1882. The land was sold by lots.

No name had been selected for the small village at the water stop when the first train arrived. One of the train crew was a Mr. Renwick, originally from Pennsylvania. He suggested the town be named for him and it was.

About 1882, Funk & Smith sent advertisements of Renwick. The following was in a letter form on the back of a postal card.

“Renwick, Humboldt Co. Iowa”

This town is situated on the Toledo branch of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, 134 miles northwest of Cedar Rapids, and 82 miles south of the state line, about 1 miles west of the Boone River, and just west of the Wright County line. The town is located on a high elevation, and affords a very pleasing view of the surrounding country for many miles in all directions. It commands a larger extent of territory than almost and point on this line of railroad from Cedar Rapids to the state line. It is one of the choicest agricultural sections in the state of Iowa. The country is well settled by an enterprising thrifty class of people, many of whom have already made ample fortunes by raising grain and livestock, and by products of the dairy, to which this country is especially adapted. Choice selections of the most fertile lands can yet be purchased in the vicinity, $7.00 to $10.00 per acre. The price for breaking prairie is $2.50 per acre and flax can be sown the same season, and usually yield from 6 to 10 bushels. The climate is a healthy as can be found in the United States. It is destined to be a good point for almost all kinds of business, as it takes a long time for the town to get advance of the demands of the country. To persons seeking homes or new locations for business, this place offers first class inducements.

Businesses of Renwick, IA

The businesses of our towns are truly the lifeblood of each community, click on any businesses below to learn about them, to learn how to add your business to your town and county page CLICK HERE!

Community Organizations of Renwick, IA

Small towns and rural communities throughout the Midwest are looking for ways to strengthen their economies, provide better quality of life, and build on local assets. Here you will find the organizations that stabilize, preserve, and revitalize the small towns and rural areas alike. To submit your organization to be included on your town and county page CLICK HERE!

Events of Renwick, IA

The small towns of the Midwest have long shared pride in their communities through festivals and events! Citizens from each community, working together, continue to offer entertainment options that not only appeal to their citizens, but visitors to their community! Below you will find festivals and events you are sure to want to attend! If you would like to have (DST) include an annual festival or event on your town and county page CLICK HERE!

Faith Organizations of Renwick, IA

Throughout the years faith organizations have not only been an essential part of a town's religious life, but its community life. Below you will find stories about these organizations, If you would like to induct a faith organization to be added to your town and county page CLICK HERE!

Points of Interest of Renwick, IA

The communities of the Midwest have a lifestyle unique to their region — rich in history and points of interest like no other! Below you will find points of interest you are sure to want to visit! To nominate a landmark, historic location, museum, etc. as a point of interest on your county and region page CLICK HERE!

Humboldt County, IA

Visit our county page and you will find information about our town and county's points of interest, festivals/events and faith community. You also will learn about the community organizations that have built and continue to build strong communities (chambers, community groups, and departments, etc) and much more when you visit the Humboldt County, IA page.

Veterans of Humboldt County, IA

Veterans come from many walks of life and whether a veteran has severed two decades ago or two days ago, they have made our freedoms possible. Below you will find stories about many who have served. If you would like to nominate a veteran to be included on your town and county page CLICK HERE!