What do you live in a barn? Maybe "The German Hausbarn" in Manning IA (population 1443)

From The Road on 11/5/2019

Brought over from Germany and assembled here in Manning in 1996, the German Hausbarn is the pride and joy of the Manning Community Foundation.
The Hausbarn is a unique structure in that it consists of living quarters not only for the family, with bedrooms, sitting, dining and cooking areas, but also areas for housing livestock, farm equipment and feed. Everything under one roof! Hausbarns were a common form of dwelling throughout several areas of Germany, especially in Schleswig-Holstein in the northwest part of Germany. Many of the residents of Manning are descendants from this particular region. The Hausbarn at Manning’s Hausbarn-Heritage Park was originally built in 1660. Due to many years of political conflict and boundary changes in Europe, it can boast it stood in Austria, Prussia, Denmark and of course, Germany, before it was dismantled and sent to Manning, Iowa where it has been re-assembled and preserved. If this historic Hausbarn could talk, it would tell stories of being governed by Princes, Dictators, a British Occupation Force and finally, a Democracy. It has survived state wars, tribal boundary disputes and two world wars. It is evident from just one glance that it reflects a collective community pride and conveys Manning’s overall commitment to preserve a vivid understanding of its’ German Heritage.

What do you live in a barn? Maybe "The German Hausbarn" in Manning IA (population 1443)