The organization of a new bank for the village of Wabasso began in the summer of 1934. Thirty-six local businessmen and citizens purchased the initial shares of stock and chose Wabasso State Bank as the name for this new bank. Elected to the first Board of Directors were: Geo. A. Goblirsch, C. H. Leistikow, D. E. Sinclair, L. A. Bangerter, Chas. P. Goblirsch, F. W. Rohlik and A. F. Hassenstab. It began business on Saturday, October 6, 1934. In 1966, Edward Robasse purchased the majority of the shares of the bank. The bank became a family owned financial institution with a vision of a safe, convenient, community & family oriented bank. That vision and ownership remains today in the descendants of Edward Robasse.
In 1999, that vision was extended to another community with the purchase of Citizens State Bank of Walnut Grove from the Kuehl family. The name was changed to Integrity Bank Plus, because that is how we do business, with integrity.
We take the time to know our customers' financial needs and have the expertise and experience to meet those needs. We take pride in doing this every day, one customer at a time. Because we are locally owned and understand the challenges our customers face, we believe we can do it better.
Integrity Bank Plus continues today as a real community bank committed to providing exceptional service to its customers. Local, family ownership means commitment. If you are presently our customer, please know we value your business and we wish to thank you for placing your trust in us. If you are not presently banking with Integrity Bank Plus, we invite you to consider our services. Our goal is to combine friendly, personal, hometown banking with a wide array of products, services and knowledge to satisfy our customer needs, as always, with integrity.