Elma, IA - The BRIDGE Organization

Community Organization in Elma, IA

The BRIDGE Organization, Inc. is a non-profit community betterment corporation founded in 2005 with a tax-exempt 501c3 status to assist the Elma area in obtaining grant funding from outside sources. BRIDGE consists of five committees with a chairperson and vice chair of each. These committees, their function and their chairpersons are as follows:

Executive Committee-(Conducts the monthly meetings, records minutes, sends meeting notices out, oversees finances of the organization.) Dale Roethler, President Roger Meirick, Vice-President Bruce Weigel, Secretary/Treasurer

Economic Development Committee-(Assists in the development of new Elma businesses) Bruce Weigel, Chairperson seeking a Vice Chairperson

Marketing & Promotions Committee-(Develops and maintains elmaia.com website, monitors elmaia@mchsi.com e-mail, and Elma, Iowa Facebook page, manages messages on the digital sign, responds to elmaia@mchsi.com website e-mails account, creates & maintains BRIDGE Organization databases, promotes Elma , assists the S.O.C. committee and liaisons with Howard County Economic Development.) Callie Weigel, Chairperson Shannon Gebel, Committee member & BRIDGE employee

Serving Our Community Committee (S.O.C.) -(Coordinates all community programs for citizens of Elma, specifically recruiting staff for these programs and assists in program development. Liaisons with the City of Elma, Elma Park Board, and Marketing committee.) Erin Ludwig, Chairperson Currently seeking a Vice-Chairperson

Community Development Committee-(Assists in seeking outside funding opportunities for Elma area businesses and programs, seeks community development programs to improve Elma,Liaisons with the City of Elma.) Currently seeking a Chairperson & Vice-Chairperson

BRIDGE membership is $100 annually and is open to any Elma area business or individual. Annual membership dues benefit the growth and well-being of the Elma area as well as assists in the promotion of Elma area businesses/organizations and supplements Old Roundhouse Trail Days costs. Past projects achieved through The BRIDGE Organization, Inc. include: Housing programs, Elma welcome signs, new Christmas decorations, downtown Elma revitalization, creation of Elma welcome baskets for new residents, assisted in the Elma Park improvement projects providing partial funding, developed and sponsored elmaia.com website, established Old Roundhouse Trail Days annual festival and is the major coordinator of this annual event, funded and created Elma databases (including purchase of BRIDGE laptop computer and printer), assisted and provided partial funding of the Elma Early Childhood Center, sponsored annual Girl Scout flower barrel planting, partially sponsored various Boy Scout Eagle Scout projects, provided partial funding for the Memorial Hall improvement project and established the Young Professionals Group, developed the "Young Professionals" mentoring program through which the Elma Area Wellness Center & park benches projects were completed, and is currently working with the City of Elma on an Industrial Park, development of lots on Busti Avenue, utilization of the Elma School building & grounds, and other entrepernurial opportunities. (See link below for the complete list Community Accomplishments that BRIDGE has assisted with). BRIDGE has monthly meetings at 5:30 p.m. the second Monday of most months in the back community room of Peoples Savings Bank and are open to the public.

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Howard County, IA

Howard County, IA

Visit our county page and you will find information about our town and county's points of interest, festivals/events and faith community. You also will find stories about the contributions made by farmers/ranchers located throughout our county and of course you will learn about the community organizations that have built and continue to build strong communities (chambers, community groups, and departments, etc) and much more when you visit the Howard County, IA page.