Le Sueur Rotary Club

Community Organization in Le Sueur, MN

Rotary and Our Club The first Rotary Club was started by attorney Paul P. Harris in 1905. Mr. Harris formed the club so that professionals from varied vocations could get together to exchange ideas and form long-lasting friendships. The ideal of service soon became a part of Rotary. The members rotated their meetings between each other’s offices – the origin of the name Rotary. Rotarians now number 1.2 million participating in clubs all around the world. The Le Sueur Rotary Club was chartered on February 4,1948. We have about 30 members from diverse careers, and are always looking for business and professional persons and community service volunteers to become members.

Service and Fundraising Le Sueur Rotarians volunteer in our community and elsewhere. Local projects include the Backpack Program (which provides weekend food for students who are in need) and the Turkey Trot (which raises funds that go directly to the Food Shelf and the Backpack Program). We fundraise in the community through BINGO during Giant Days and by selling Rotary Roses.. A top priority for Rotary is eradicating Polio worldwide –our PolioPlus project. We are almost there, but until the disease is eradicated, it can come back. We are working hard to keep our pledge to the children of the world to eradicate Polio.

Tuesday Meetings and Programs The Le Sueur Rotary Club meets Tuesdays at noon at Oak Terrace. During these meetings, we go through our standard meeting agenda – pledge of allegiance, meal prayer, the Four-Way Test (see “Integrity” below) and fines/happy dollars. Each member is assigned a Tuesday during the year to plan a keynote speaker for the meeting.

Integrity The standard of high business and professional ethics is a part of Rotary. For example, as members of the Rotary Club of Le Sueur, we use the Four-Way Test in our business and personal lives. The test asks the following questions (and we recite these at every meeting): Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Members Le Sueur Rotary club members are busy and successful business and professional people who are supportive of each other and are dedicated to serving others through Rotary, carrying out Rotary’s Motto of Service Above Self. They are diverse in careers, personalities and talents. Some have been Rotarians for over 40 years and other less than a year.

Rotary Youth Exchange The Rotary Club of Le Sueur has a longstanding tradition of hosting and sending Rotary Exchange Students. These high-school age students are hosted by Rotarians, community members, and Rotary Clubs for a school year.

Youth Programs We provide youth with leadership, volunteer, and learning opportunities through Rotary Youth Exchange, our volunteer projects, college scholarships, and by sponsoring students who attend Rotary leadership events.

Map and Info

Le Sueur County, MN

Le Sueur County, MN

Visit our county page and you will find information about our town and county's points of interest, festivals/events and faith community. You also will find stories about the contributions made by farmers/ranchers located throughout our county and of course you will learn about the community organizations that have built and continue to build strong communities (chambers, community groups, and departments, etc) and much more when you visit the Le Sueur County, MN page.