Founded in 1955, we are the largest business-focused membership organization in the community.
Create. Promote. Enhance. Healthy business environment.
Our mission is to create, promote and enhance a healthy business environment. We fulfill our mission by providing programs and services that help our members be successful.
Our Organizational Structure
Executive Director: Judy Hulterstrum
Events & Communications Manager: Marla Thissen
2019 Board of Directors
President: Eric Johnson, First District Association
Vice President: Steve Kosbab, Meeker Cooperative Light & Power Association
Treasurer: Justin McGraw, Conway, Deuth & Schmiesing, PLLP
Board Members:
Brent Brekke, Danner Brekke & Everts Financial
Mike Cave, Felling Trailers
Sarah Doering, Church of St. Philip
Kim Dolan, Edina Realty
Michelle Falling, Doosan/Bobcat
Dawn Jansen, Center National Bank
Beth Kannas, Walmart
Kiza Olson, Meeker Manor Rehabilitation
Rebecca Rue, Wood & Rue, PLLP