The Rock County Historical Society was originally formed in 1930 to collect artifacts and information on the history of Rock County. Having no place for the collection of historical artifacts, they were displayed in business windows. In 1959, the Hinkly House, built in 1892, was donated to the Rock County Historical Society. The Hinkly House has been restored to its former beauty and is open to the public. Other structures have become part of the society over the years. In 1996, the society took over ownership of the Masonic Temple to serve as the county museum. The Masonic Temple was sold back to the Masons when we purchased the former Herman Motor auto dealership and have since risen over $800,000 to remodel the building into the HISTORY CENTER. Four buildings were constructed at the Rock County fairgrounds that includes the Fitzer Barn, the One Room School, the Summer Kitchen and the Ordung Building. All of these buildings house a part of Rock County history.