Windom Area Chamber of Commerce

Community Organization in Windom, MN

The Windom Area Chamber of Commerce is your partner in building better business in the Windom area. The Chamber is the least expensive employee you’ll ever have, working for you day in and day out, allowing you to focus on your business. We have numerous networking opportunities which will help you build your customer base and allow you to become involved in the community. We arrange many different events that bring people into our area that benefit all of us.
But we cannot do it alone! We need partners like you to help in building a strong, vibrant community. In this brochure we would like to tell you more about the benefits of being a member of the Windom Chamber of Commerce. We know your time is valuable and we will be happy to work around your busy schedule in case you have any questions on what we have to offer.

Map and Info
Windom Area Chamber of Commerce

Cottonwood County, MN

Cottonwood County, MN

Visit our county page and you will find information about our town and county's points of interest, festivals/events and faith community. You also will find stories about the contributions made by farmers/ranchers located throughout our county and of course you will learn about the community organizations that have built and continue to build strong communities (chambers, community groups, and departments, etc) and much more when you visit the Cottonwood County, MN page.