Ruthven, IA - Get Together on Gowrie

Festival or Event in Ruthven, IA

There will be plenty of family fun in Ruthven from 5 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. on Thursday August 16th as the City of Ruthven and the Lost Island/Ruthven Betterment Association presents the 3rd annual Get Together on Gowrie - Meet in the Street.

New this year will be a Kids Bike/Wagon Parade. The parade will start at 6:00 p.m., but if you do not want to decorate it yourself come early and they will have some materials available to decorate it for you! Other kids games will include ring toss (winning a free 2 liter bottle of pop), Corn Playpen - dig for hidden treasure, Plinko Game, Can toss, Duck match game, Limbo and the Lollipop Tree.

A main feature will again be the Classic Car Cruise-In with the classics parked on Gowrie. This popular event is sponsored by Tim and Penny Murphy of Lost Island Bait and Tackle. Food will be available up town served by the Blue Daisy Cafe and of course the Ruthven/Lost Island Express will be there giving train rides to the kids. The Ruthven Fire Department Auxiliary will be serving up popcorn while the fire department itself will have a fire truck there giving kids rides as well.

Heavenly Treasures Gift Store located downtown will be open and vendors as of now include the LIRBA table with t-shirts, books, and tractor hats; Bobber Down Bait and Tackle, Food Pantry booth with an admission of one item to donate to the food pantry; the Ruthven Public Library; and the Lost Island Protective Association will have a table showing what's new with the bike trail. There is still time if you are a vendor or an organization wanting to do something during the Get Together on Gowrie - Fun in the Street.

Make sure to mark the date and bring the family to see some great classic cars, enjoy some really fun games for the kids, good food, and see some really cool local crafters in action.

Map and Info
Ruthven, IA - Get Together on Gowrie

Palo Alto County, IA

Palo Alto County, IA

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