St. John's Catholic Church in Ogden had its beginning in 1869 whean a priest from Boone began offering Mass in the homes of Ogden parishioners. In the late 1870's, the land west of the Des Moines River was attached to the Grand Junction parish. This arrangement continued for about 20 years. In December of 1896, Father JF O'Doherty was appointed as the first pastor of St. John's, and a parish house was constructed. Father DK Hurley came in November 1898, followed by Father HC Hart and Father JC Murtagh. In 1902, St. John's purchased the old Zion Lutheran Church and moved it to their property in the northwest part of town, dedicating it on June 27th. The next pastors were Father D'Logue, Father JG Perrault in 1903, Father L Shenkelberg in 1905, and Father A. Meyer in 1908. In 1914, Father Wolf was pastor and a large church addition was added. In 1916, a strip of land for a cemetery was purchased east of Glenwood Cemetery, and Mrs. AM Steeberg was the first burial there. Father J Thoennissen became pastor of St. John's in 1917, followed by Father JF Achatz, Father AJ Nuel in 1922, and Father PF Casey in 1924. Father GO O'Brine was replaced by Father T Coffey in 1930, and Father Edward Lilly followed on June 6, 1935. Fr. Lilly remained until March 1942. He was succeeded by Father Emmett McCoy, Father John Doherty in October 1942, Father J Greteman in January of 1943, Father Othmar Koester in January 1950 and Father Francis Illg in 1953. Father Donald R. Smith became pastor in June 1965. On November 14, 1965, fourteen men of St. John's decided to build a new church. A new location of 5.2 acres was purchased and it was also decided to build a new rectory. The bid for hte new church was $136,2540. The ground breaking ceremony was held on April 18, 1967. The new church was dedicated on March 24, 1968 by the Most Reverend Joseph M. Mueller. The bell from teh old church was placed on the outside sign, and the Stations of the Cross were relocated in the new church. The beautiful stained glass windows were designed by David Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Baker, members of the parish for many years. The windows tell the story of creation of Earth and man as described in the first chapter of Genesis., This is shown through symbols, colors, shapes, and lines of the windows. Father Leo Schumacher began his duties in 1970, and Father James Fangman followed in 1982. Father Thomas Munn came in 1989, and stayed until his retirement in 1999. Father Steve McLoud served us for a year until Father James Lafferty became our pastor. Because of ill health, Father Lafferty retired in 2002 and Father Brian Danner, pastor of St. Malachy's in Madrid was assigned to our parish while continuing to serve St. Malachy's. Since then we have shared two more pastors - Father Tim Boekelman, and currently Father Jim Bruch - with St. Malachy's.