Minneola Lutheran Church was founded in 1867 by Reverend B.J. Muus and Norwegian settlers. Reverend Nels Ylvisaker arrived from Norway in 1868 and served Minneola, Lands, Hoff and Red Wing Congregations. Minneola and Lands shared a pastor from 1875-1984. Minneola Church was built in 1870 and renovated in 1949.
A Sunday School unit was added in 1954. In 1987 an upper level was built above the Sunday School with a handicap ramp. In 1996 the "New Addition" was finished off to include a conference room, office and pastor's study. In 2012 the Sunday School area was renovated, and most recently in 2014 the kitchen and fellowship hall underwent a major update.
The name "Minneola" is from two Indian words meaning "Much Water." Throughout its history, Minneola has indeed been blessed by streams of "living water."