Valley View Assembly of God has a rich history. The church had its beginnings with two families (Rosens and Freiheits) who got together to pray and believe God for miracles. They met in each other's homes regularly. One winter they attended evangelistic meetings across the river in Maiden Rock, only to find other Lake City believers there. They began to meet with them and eventually held meetings with O.E. Carter, an Assembly of God minister who pastored in Rochester. They met in an old Swedish Mission Covenant Church located at 217 N 6th St.
By October of 1945, they organized as Lake City Assembly of God, a home mission's church and purchased the building. Their first pastor was Rev. James Kofahl, a North Central Bible College student. The church was actually incorporated in October of 1949.
Our churches' message has always been based on Biblical authority, and our mission has been to draw others to Christ. We have a rich Pentecostal heritage, as well, where believers are encouraged to seek for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit to empower them to follow Christ. When we meet together, there is an atmosphere of expressive worship where the Holy Spirit has the liberty to move as He desires. There have been many pastors over the years, all playing a special part in building up the work which God has called us to do in the Hiawatha Valley.
The current pastor, Rev. Orin Sandberg moved here with his family in September 1989. Our church has experienced steady growth which precipitated the need for a new facility. A search for property led us to a four acre plot of land located across from the Lake City Care Facility.
A parsonage was built on the land in 1993/94, and the church building was built in the spring/summer of 1994. A dedication and open house for the new facility was held May 21st, 1995. A name change came along with the move, from Lake City Assembly of God to Valley View Assembly of God. Ten years later in 2004, a 5,500 square foot addition was built nearly doubling the size of the original building. Praise God, we were able to burn our mortgage and become debt free in 2017!
"To God be the glory, great things He has done!"
All because two families began to pray...!!!