A small flock gathered in early Spring 1977 with a need for gender equity in their church along with dreams and visions that became seed for what is now Good Shepherd Lutheran. Church. A seedling must be nourished, protected from the elements, cultivated, exposed to the bright Son, gathered to feed the hungry and again planted to continue the cycle of life.
Yes, the flock has grown, the seed has produced its harvest, new lambs are given us each year. We have been blessed to be a blessing. Let us give thanks to the Lord, our Shepherd.
The first months of organization involved many meetings. A major one was with community churches and the Division of Service and Mission in America (DSMA) from Minneapolis. A determined group used graphs, charts and projections to establish that this area could support an ALC Lutheran Church.
The Elgin Elementary School became our first place of worship in September of 1977. An office on Elgin’s main street became our headquarters that same year.
Pastor Howard Sortland was hired as our interim pastor and for nine months helped organize and motivate the parish. A major project was to select an architect and building site for the church. Charter Sunday was held April 16, 1978 with forty-one families.
The next year, Pastor Mathre and other chaplains from Rochester hospitals provided pastoral coverage until a full time pastor was selected. Pastor Dick Hegal was called and joined Good Shepherd in September 1979.
Our new building was dedicated in November 1980. On this glorious day the labor of our people, guided by the Holy Spirit, brought this goal to reality: a place in which the Good Shepherd could be worshiped. Ah! But it didn't stop there, the struggles and challenges, the ideas, dreams and visions continue.