We Believe In The Gospel
We value being open hearted in embracing all people as children of God. We believe God’s love is freely given to everyone without distinction! This means that if you are a republican or a democrat or a communist or a capitalist, if you are straight, gay, or in between, if you are black, asian, hispanic, or caucasian, you are welcome here. No matter what your other beliefs about social issues, we believe our God is bigger than our differences and unites us in his love. We strive to make the body of Christ is a safe place to be and to celebrate our differences.
We Honor All Questions and DoubtsWe value being open minded in honoring everyone’s questions about faith. We don’t believe that you must believe certain things about God before you can participate fully in the life of our church. We believe that asking great questions is more valuable than having the “right” answers. We love to engage together in exploring what the Bible has to say and try to humbly understand as best we can what it means for today’s world. We trust that God honors our seeking and works through us often in the midst of our doubts.
We Are the Body of ChristWe value always being ready to ask, “How can I help?” It is an awesome thing to realize that as we come to God asking for his peace and justice to be more ever present in our world, God believes in us to be his helping hands in his world. Together, where ever we are, no matter what day of the week it is, we are the church reaching out to make our world a little more filled with God’s Spirit. We are the body of Christ in the world!