Hampton, IA - Reeve Electric Association Plant

Point of Interest in Hampton, IA

The Reeve Electric Association Plant, now known as the REA Power Plant Museum, is an historic structure located near Hampton, Iowa. In the 1930s only 10% of rural homes and farms in the United States had electricity. The first mention of rural electrification in Hampton came in March 1936.

It was the first farmer-owned power plant in the United States to receive an REA grant in 1937 and in 1938 it was the second to go on-line. There were four generators powered by diesel engines when the plant was in full production. In 1988 the building was given to the Franklin County Historical Society. It opened a rural and electrical museum in the former plant in 1990. The same year it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

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Franklin County, IA

Franklin County, IA

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