Articles from The Daily Boar Newspaper about "Swine Song Commune"
Willow Brooks Forms the Artsy-Fartsy "Swine Song Commune
When Willow Brooks came across a ten-acre parcel of land one mile north of Swine Lake she immediately began plans to form a commune. Willow told The Daily Boar Newspaper, "I have always dreamed about a place were musicians, artists and cool people could live together and share their passions--for the arts. Swine Song Commune is the answer to my dream! Artists have already started to arrive. All artists are welcome to join us at the commune where we can sing and dance and be cool together! It's all very exciting!"
Willow presented her idea to start this commune to the attendees (pictured above) at Sweet Swine's annual Aunt Ella Memorial Picnic. The picnic-goers were somewhat shocked at the idea at first, but are determined to be neighborly as long as those in the commune "don't go off the deep end or do weird things."
Willow Brooks first arrived in Sweet Swine County with the One-Ring Circus Troupe. Willow grew up in the circus with her illustrious parents--mother (the Bearded Lady) and father (the Elephant Pooper-Scooper). After a unfortunate poop-scooping incident, Willow left the circus for the green pastures of Sweet Swine. But she has never stopped loving tents and outrageous clothes. As for elephants, well that's a different matter.
Local Citizen Comments on Swine Song Commune
When asked about having a commune in Sweet Swine County, Ronnie Silage (local college man, farm-hand and Poet Lariat) said, "Well, I think it's OK. My grandmother sold her house and moved into a commune -- oh, no, wait! -- that was a condominium. But she loved it! Anyway, I wouldn't mind doing poetry readings at this new commune, if they'll have me."
Eager Citizen-Wannabees Arriving Daily to Take Up Residence at New "Swine Song Commune"

Sweet Swine County resident, Willow Brooks, is elated that bohemian artist-types from around the country are arriving daily to take up residence in her newly formed Swine Song Commune! Willow also heads up the Citizen-Wannabee Committee for the commune. She and a gaggle of commune artists help determine the suitability of wannabee citizens. Brooks said, "Pretty much we're open to anyone who wants to join our community, as long as they are free spirits and into doing their own thing and loving one another and hugging trees and growing herbs. So far, we've had some real winners join us here!"
Sweet Swine Scoop interviewed one of the winners who is:
Lonesome Ron, who recently purchased a cabin on Swine Lake but now has moved it to the Commune. He told Sweet Swine Scoop, "I see this as a great opportunity to work with other believers in the art of yodeling and who like to do it around a campfire!"
Although Sweet Swine County's Poet Lariat, Ronnie Silage, hasn't yet actually moved into Swine Song Commune, when we asked him about having a commune in the county, he told us, "Well, I think it's OK. My grandmother sold her house and moved into a commune -- oh, no, wait! -- that was a condominium. But she loves it. I'll probably love it there, too. If I do move in, my hope is to start up poetry readings where people can be real intelligent and read and write. It wouldn't hurt if they were good at rhyming words, either!"

Swine Song Commune's Most Famous Band "The Lip-Synchers" begin 5-Town Tour
Swine Song Commune's most successful band, The Lip-Synchers, is departing on a five-town reunion tour. The band that took Sweet Swine County by storm in the mid-1980s broke up when lead lip-syncher, Buster Jones (The Big Porker), insisted that fellow bandmates accept his girlfriend (Betty Thompson) into the band. After a much-publicized fight ensued over the choice of lip-synching song titles, The Big Porker left the band in a lippy huff to pursue a solo career in Europe. Differences have been ironed out, and all the original Lip-Synchers, including Betty Thompson, are reuniting for this tour. At a recent rehearsal Sweet Swine Scoop noticed that the band members' lips seem to be looser than ever. Tickets at all 5-town venues are selling like hotcakes.
Swine Song Commune's Newest Resident Composes Theme-Song for Sweet Swine County
Bruce Bednarchuk--a Redwood Falls, MN composer, arranger, singer and instrumentalist--is a new citizen of Swine Song Commune! Bruce told the The Daily Boar, "After I got to know all the crazy 'characters' in Sweet Swine County, I couldn't help but write this song about them! The lyrics just flowed to me like someone had cast a "hit-song writing spell" on me!"
And a hit it is! Click on the pic above to hear it! "Sanity Said Goodbye To Sweet Swine County"
Fairies Seen Fluttering Around Swine Song Commune!
A unnamed photographer traveling through Sweet Swine County claims he came upon a real, live fairy ball in Swine Song Commune. However, the photos supplied to Sweet Swine Scoop seem to be of Sweet Swine County residents dressed up like fairies, not those of actual real, live fairies at all! Sweet Swine Scoop noticed Betty Thompson, Prairie Ann, Urban Katie, and even Reverend Bill, pictured as fairies in what looks to be a Phony Fairy Ball. Reports later surfaced that the unnamed photographer had been seen munching on mushrooms by Swine Lake Pond. That might explain things.

Plans Being Made for "Eggstock" A Music and Exotic Chicken Festival!
The "Eggstock" event is to be held at Swine Song Commune sponsored by Cousin John from the town of Split Hoof in Sweet Swine County. When asked her thoughts about the festival coming to Split Hoof, local resident Aunt Minnie told Sweet Swine Scoop: “I can’t think of anything more exciting than a festival combining music and chickens. Cousin John is a genius!”
Though the dates of the festival have not yet been determined, Cousin John has begun contacting musical and exotic chicken acts from all over Sweet Swine County and beyond. We at Sweet Swine Scoop will posting updates about acts as they are booked. At present, Cousin John has not had any takers.
Medievalist Bart Saxton talks about his planes to form "Medieval Swinears" - A Reenactment Group in Swine Song Commune
Bart Saxton, a medievalist from Rutland Township in Martin County, MN recently was a guest on "The Cocklebur Morning Show." Bart is dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe and now is making plans to form a group called Medieval Swineans!
Medievalist Bart told The Daily Boar, " I have been all over Sweet Swine County looking for a place to both live and hold our group events, when I ran into Lonesome Ron! Lonesome agreed to let me spend the summer months in his cabin's basement located at the Swine Song Commune. It's perfect when you stand on a box and peek out the window in that basement, you can see the beautiful rolling hills of the commune. I just know the commune will provide a great spot to hold our reenactment events." Swine Song Commune founder, Willow Brooks, told The Daily Boar, "We'd be tickled pig pink to welcome a new member to our commune. We don't care what century they come from!"
The Town of Horse Fly Temporarily Relocates to Swine Song Commune
The town of Horse Fly was been forced to relocate due to a prairie fire that swept through the town. Sweet Swine Scoop has also learned because if the fire it was decided that the entire town should relocate temporarily to Swine Song Commune.
Hesitant to allow all 5 buildings and eight (old) citizen to move to the commune for fear the citizens were not zen! A meeting was held and it was decided that if the move included their outhouse the citizens of the commune would allow the move to take place!

Western Cowboy Singer and Yodeler, Lonesome Ron Buys Cabin in Exchange for Guitar Lessons
Lonesome Ron, well-known singer/songwriter who presents western music in story and song has acquired a summer home in the Swine Song Commune in the woods outside the town of Swine Lake. Lonesome Ron purchased the cabin from owner Ronny P. Silage in exchange for giving him guitar lessons for life. Silage said, "I didn't want to sell the fixer-upper, but I really wanted to learn to play the guitar!" The property includes the cabin on a 13 x 13 lot in an ideal location along the path one mile north of Swine Lake.
Lonesome Ron hails from Mankato, Minnesota and travels the Midwest entertaining folks with his irregular vocal techniques while accompanying himself on the guitar and banjo. He sticks a lot of fine country yodeling into his entertainments, too.
About his purchase, Lonesome Ron told Sweet Swine Scoop, "I sure am looking forward to kicking back near Swine Lake with a fishing pole and a cold drink, once I get some repairs made to the cabin."
Lonesome Ron has performed with some of the top names in country music such as Jean Shepard (the Queen of Country Music), Donna Douglas of the "Beverly Hillbillies," and Les Gilliam. We kid you not!
What's Happening Backstage at the Commune, Who are these People?
Sweet Swine Scoop has learned the backroom of the main stage at the Swine Song Commune has been cleaned up, a bite! Last week when Sweet Swine Scoop reporter Clarice Plow was covering the latest concert held at the commune she wandered backstage to find two commune citizens hanging out! Reporter Plow's report stated: "I was surprised to find the hippies, I mean commune citizens hanging out backstage at the Commune. They did agree to let me taking some pictures of them, but when I asked why they were there they told me they had to make a phone call and then left in a huff! Not deterred, I am a ace reporter, I snooped around and found a poster of the well known pig featured on the Swine Song Commune's sign with the words Backstage at the Commune wrote on it. What this means I don't know!" Sweet Swine Scoop will keep you informed as Plows investigation continues!
Garrett Dawson takes over leadership of Swine Song Commune!
Talk on the street is that Megastar Garrett Dawson (seen here with his main squeeze Daisy May) will be taking over leadership of Swine Song Commune. The once hip commune has fallen into senior citizen hell because founder Willow Brooks refused to allow any musical artists that did not perform at Woodstock to perform at the commune. Mr Dawson told the scoop: "You are going to see many changes to the commune, especially the musical acts that will be appearing!"
Sweet Swine Scoop has learned Mr Dawson has also been in negotiations to host a music show called Backstage at Swine Song Commune were he interviews musical artists after they perform at the Commune. Mr Dawson told the scoop; "I would love to partner up with KLUK TV to host a music show from the commune, but I have a deluxe mobile home to pay for, so the offer will have to be pretty lucrative " When the scoop contacted Willow Brooks for a comment on being replaced she said "Wow man, the 60's rule!
5-City Sweet Swine County Tour Announced after Belly-Dancing Troupe, The Navel Academy" performs at Swine Song Commune!
The Navel Academy, Sweet Swine County's infamous belly-dancing troupe, has announced its imminent departure on a 5-city tour throughout Sweet Swine County. After performing at Swine Song Commune this Belly-Dancing Troup are slated to perform in the towns of Spit Hoof, Swine Lake, Cow Pie Ridge, Corn Row and High Horse. This exotic group of colorful jigglements is sure to wow the citizens of Sweet Swine! The Navel Academy calls Fairmont, Minnesota in Martin County (next county over from Sweet Swine) their main base of operations, where they have been performing together for over four years.
Artist Andy Warhog Completes Mural for Swine Song Commune!
Artist "Andy Warhog" well know throughout Sweet Swine County for his paint-o- graphs has completed a mural for local commune!Warhog told Sweet Swine Scoop " I was inspired to do my first mural after seeing the cardboard sign at the entrance of the commune that read "Commune Ahead! Sweet Swine Scoop has learned that the 4ft x 12ft Andy Warhog original mural will be displayed on Clem Johnson's barn! To see Andy Warhog's paint-o-graphs visit the Sweet Swine County Museum or click here!