Canton, was first settled in March 1851, and was organized May 11, 1858. "There was a spirited contest over the name, and quite a number were suggested, but the struggle was finally narrowed down to two names, 'Elyria,' suggested by E. P. Eddy, and that of 'Canton,' proposed by Fred Flor. The vote declared, in favor of Canton, but the Elyria party gave up reluctantly. . . . On the records up to 1860, the name Elyria is carried along in the town books, when it dropped out of sight." These are names of cities in northeastern Ohio, near the former homes of many settlers in this township. Canton is a large and very ancient city of southeastern China, and thence 23 states of our Union have given this name to villages, cities, and townships. The city of Canton was platted in 1879 and incorporated as a village on May 9, 1887; the post office was called Boomer, 1879-82, for its "booming" existence as suggested by John Manuel, the first postmaster, changing to Canton in 1882, with James Manuel as postmaster.