Gothenburg is a progressive community that prides itself on community involvement, volunteers and our many organizations. We are a Nebraska Certified Economic Development Community and have experienced tremendous business and industry growth over the last several years. Growth is exciting, but we are also proud of our heritage and history.
Gothenburg is the Pony Express Capital of Nebraska and has many visitors yearly to our community. We are also home to Wildhorse Golf Course which has been the subject of several national golf publications. Wildhorse draws in golfers not only state-wide, but golfers from all fifty states and many countries.
Gothenburg is proud of our school system, which is very progressive in academics and the provision of extracurricular activities for our youth. Gothenburg Public Schools has also been very proactive in maintaining and expanding their excellent facilities. Gothenburg Public Schools enrollment is approximately 500 students Kindergarten through 6th grade; and over 400 Students from 7th through 12th grade. Gothenburg is rated Class C-1 by the State of Nebraska for school activities.
Gothenburg Memorial Hospital is a Critical Access Facility serving the needs of Gothenburg and the surrounding area. The existing building was built in 1969 with a 3.5 million dollar addition and renovation project completed in 2004 to provide up-to-date medical care in our service area. Gothenburg Memorial Hospital is dedicated to providing quality, cost effective healthcare services and promote the wellness and quality of life in our service communities.