Le Roy Minnesota is a community that has seen its ups and downs. First located on Lake Louise through which the Upper Iowa river flows in what is now referred to as "Old Town," it began to grow and prosper. Henry Edmonds was the first to open a store in the original village. He is also attributed with opening his home to the first religious services.
Later, after the arrival of the railroads the McGregor & Western railway company laid out a new town site in the midst of one of the finest farms in the state. The town picked up and moved. Education was important to the original settlers. The original school building was a house belonging to Charles McNeil and it operated in 1870 as School District No. 79. Later the 79 district closed and became consolidated with the Le Roy School district and a new school building was erected in the new town.
The new town grew, structures such as schools, hotels, bakeries and all the businesses that make a town come to life began to appear. The railroad brought prosperity and eternal hope.