Little Falls, MN

Town in Morrison County, MN

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Sponsors of Little Falls, MN

Since the founding of our communities, organizations, businesses and citizens have stepped forward to build and serve their community. Click on any of the logos below to learn about those who made this website possible! If you would like to learn about becoming a sponsor CLICK HERE!

About Little Falls, MN

Little Falls is a great city known for the quality of life it offers its citizens. It is a flourishing and stable city that is safe, inviting, progressive, economically strong, creative and clean; a place where everyone has a chance to be successful. Cathy VanRisseghem, Mayor of Little Falls.

Along with all of the wonderful attributes our city offers its citizens, there are many varied historical sites and attractions, as well as scenic and recreational opportunities for nature and sport buffs. Little Falls has something for everyone. Whether it be the Charles A. Lindbergh boyhood home and State Park, Pine Grove Zoo, Minnesota Fishing Museum, Minnesota Military Museum, Paul Larson Memorial Museum, Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Museum, St. Francis Convent, Camp Ripley Environmental Education Center, Crane Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, Linden Hill Conference & Retreat Center or the downtown National Historic District, it is a welcoming place and we invite you to join us here as did those before you. You will find that Little Falls is a great place to spend a day, a weekend or a lifetime.

Businesses of Little Falls, MN

The businesses of our towns are truly the lifeblood of each community, click on any businesses below to learn about them, to learn how to add your business to your town and county page CLICK HERE!

Morrison County, MN

Visit our county page and you will find information about our town and county's points of interest, festivals/events and faith community. You also will learn about the community organizations that have built and continue to build strong communities (chambers, community groups, and departments, etc) and much more when you visit the Morrison County, MN page.