Melbourne is an incorporated place (Class Code, P1) located in Marshall County at latitude 41.941 and longitude – 93.103. The elevation is 1043 feet, Melbourne appears on the Melbourne U. S. Geological Survey Map. Marshall County is in the Central time zone (GMT-6). Melbourne has a population of 830 with 348 housing units; a land area of .57 sq. mile
We are known as a charming bedroom community that has many enjoyable conveniences within the city. Melbourne has several local businesses that have been here for over 50 years. Our citizens are very proud of our heritage and of our future. Our future is what we make happen and we want to go forward with excellence.
We have a yearly city celebration which we call “Mousehole Days”. This event brings our community and surrounding communities into our city for everyone to enjoy the pleasure of a small town celebration.
We are located 18 miles from Marshalltown just off Hwy 330. We are 45 minutes from Ames, 45 minutes from Ankeny and 60 minutes from Des Moines, 45 minutes from Altoona, 30 minutes from Newton. We are centralized enough so you could commute to any job that you may have. Please feel free to come to Melbourne and visit.
For more information about our city please feel free to contact our City Hall at 641-482-3338.