Mount Horeb, WI

Town in Dane County, WI

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Sponsors of Mount Horeb, WI

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About Mount Horeb, WI

The Troll capital of the World!! The Village of Mount Horeb was given its name by an Englishman, not by the Norwegians, as some “Norsk” people think. George Wright was born in England in 1824. A few months after his marriage in 1848, he was licensed as a lay minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In that same year the Wrights immigrated to America. In 1858, they moved to Blue Mounds Township to a farm home, way out on the prairie, about a mile and a half northeast on Military Road.

Mr. Wright became active in Blue Mounds Township as it grew, serving as town treasurer and filling a term in the legislature. He was assistant provost Marshall during the Civic War. This activity led to his appointment as postmaster of the new post office, which was to serve settlers in the eastern part of the township. In 1861, the office was located in his farm home and it was his privilege to give it a name. After searching scriptures, he selected the name “Mount Horeb.” He chose it from the many references to the “mounts” because of the high elevation of his land and the beauty of the surrounding area.

In 1867, when the Wrights moved to Norwalk, IA, the post office was brought to the little settlement called the “Corners” which became “Horeb’s Corners” and later “Mount Horeb” was recorded as the official name. – Excerpt from Mount Horeb-Presettlement to 1986, A History Celebrating Mount Horeb’s Quasquicentennial.

Businesses of Mount Horeb, WI

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Dane County, WI

Visit our county page and you will find information about our town and county's points of interest, festivals/events and faith community. You also will learn about the community organizations that have built and continue to build strong communities (chambers, community groups, and departments, etc) and much more when you visit the Dane County, WI page.