Located in Burt County in northeast Nebraska, Oakland is named after John Oak, who settled in this area in 1855 with 23 other pioneers. Mr. Oak then assisted five more Swedish families to settle in the Logan Creek Valley in 1866.The village was incorporated April 13, 1881, with 30 businesses, two banks and one printing office in operation.
Oakland has a population of 1,279 and is still growing. Basic economic activities in the Oakland area include farming, cattle and hog production, feed processing, wholesale and retail sales, construction and medical services.
The horse icon used as buttons on this page represents the Swedish Dala Horse. The craft of carving Dala Horses originated in Sweden in the Province of Dalarana in the early 18th century. After the wood cutters cut the trees for lumber, they would carve the leftover wood into toys for their children back in the villages. Carving also gave the wood cutters something to do during the long, cold Swedish winters. The horse was a popular choice for the carvings because they were regarded as a very special animal with traits of being hard working, sturdy and faithful.
During the 19th century, it became custom to paint the wooden horses with brightly colored flower patterns. Soon the horses became known for their craftsmanship and were collected. Today the art of carving Dala Horses still exists in the Mora villages of Vattnäs, Risa, Bergkarlås and Nusnäs. The authentic decorating takes place in Nusnäs.