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Sponsors of Oakley, KS

Since the founding of our communities, organizations, businesses and citizens have stepped forward to build and serve their community. Click on any of the logos below to learn about those who made this website possible! If you would like to learn about becoming a sponsor CLICK HERE!

About Oakley, KS

Early Homesteaders first came to the area that would eventually be known as Oakley in the 1870s, prior to most of the settling of the Plains that took place around the mid 1880s. The majority of these homesteaders in Northwestern Kansas arrived by taking a trip along the Smoky Hill Trail.

In 1884, Judge Fredman and David D. Hoag officially founded Oakley. The settlement's original name was Carlyle, which was soon changed to Cleveland. Given the fact that there was already a nearby settlement named Cleveland, in 1885 Oakley received its official and life-long name. Founder David D. Hoag, affectionately named the township after his mother, Elizabeth Oakley Gardner Hoag.

One of the first businesses that was established in the Oakley area was the State Bank of Oakley, in 1886. Soon after, in 1890, the first school district was organized for Logan County.

After a devastating fire in 1904, which burned all the wooden businesses in town, new brick and concrete buildings were established. Many of these building are still in use today and can be seen while strolling through town.

Businesses of Oakley, KS

The businesses of our towns are truly the lifeblood of each community, click on any businesses below to learn about them, to learn how to add your business to your town and county page CLICK HERE!

Thomas County, KS

Visit our county page and you will find information about our town and county's points of interest, festivals/events and faith community. You also will learn about the community organizations that have built and continue to build strong communities (chambers, community groups, and departments, etc) and much more when you visit the Thomas County, KS page.

Gove County, KS

Visit our county page and you will find information about our town and county's points of interest, festivals/events and faith community. You also will learn about the community organizations that have built and continue to build strong communities (chambers, community groups, and departments, etc) and much more when you visit the Gove County, KS page.

Logan County, KS

Visit our county page and you will find information about our town and county's points of interest, festivals/events and faith community. You also will learn about the community organizations that have built and continue to build strong communities (chambers, community groups, and departments, etc) and much more when you visit the Logan County, KS page.