Ottosen is a city in Humboldt County, Iowa. The population was 55 in the 2010 census. Much of the town burned in a fire in the mid 20th century and was never rebuilt.
Ottosen, Iowa was founded in 1896 by Chris Ottosen, a grain dealer in Russel Switch, Iowa. Chris Ottosen petitioned the postmaster general to have a post office in Russel Switch but it was rejected because of a similar name in use.. Senator Dolliver became aware of this and resubmitted it under the name of Ottosen and it was granted. Chris Ottosen then tried to get the railroad to build a depot and passing tracks there but they did not want to build it on the curve in the tracks. The RR surveyed an area 1/2 mile north of Russel Switch for the tracks and depot. They also platted it out. Chris Ottosen brought this to the attention of William Wehrspann a local farmer who bought 40 acres from Mr. Sorlien and deeded enough land for the right-of-way and side tracks. He then sold the rest of the land to Horace Gage of Mason City, Iowa. Mr. Gage then platted out part of it and sold small tracts. In 1896 the first buildings were built. Among them were the Quimby Hotel and a double brick building, built by Chris Ottosen. The town of Ottosen was now established and Russel Switch was abandoned. Chris Ottosen died November 25, 1941 and is buried at the Union Cemetery. Ottosen later boasted of many businesses and was called the fastest growing town in Humboldt County and surrounding area. Two devastating fires and changing times reduced Ottosen to a small bedroom community. Ottosen once had three churches but only the Lutheran church remains.