Pleasant Hill is a young and vibrant community with rapid growth.Incorporated in 1956, the City now has more than 10,064 residents.Residents have the option between two school districts, Des MoinesPublic Schools and Southeast Polk Community School District.Location is a key factor in Pleasant Hill’s growth. If groundtransportation is vital to your business success, Pleasant Hill offersit. The City resides at the intersection of US Highway 65 bypass and
Iowa Highway 163, while Interstate 80 and Interstate 35 offer easyaccess to the rest of the metro. If you need to travel via air, the DesMoines International Airport and the Ankeny Regional Airport are only 15minutes away. The City has improved trail access, which allowsresidents access to city services without a motorized vehicle. The Cityhas also implemented a Complete Streets policy, which enables safeaccess for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, andtransit riders.
Getting to places is equally important to local businesses andresidents. Pleasant Hill’s location allows businesses in the communityto draw their staff from almost 60,000 potential employees incommunities from Altoona, Carlisle, Prairie City, Urbandale, andJohnston. Residents also have the opportunity to ride the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority (DART). The City focuses on bringing new commercial services to Pleasant Hillalong the Hwy 163 corridor. Currently, the City has more than 500 acres of land available along the corridor for high-quality commercial andmixed-use development. The City continues to reinvest in areas east ofthe US Highway 65 bypass to bring redevelopment to the community.
Pleasant Hill provides an anchor for entertainment on the east sideof Des Moines, with a multiplex movie theater. Pleasant Hill is the hubof the Gay Lea Wilson Trail providing access to Des Moines and the Cityof Altoona. Pleasant Hill continues to reinvest in the existing parksand trails to provide residents a place to grow, play and live.