Tomah is a community of 9,192 located within Monroe County in central Wisconsin where interstates 90/94 divide. With this unique location Tomah has embraced the motto “Where the I divides” as well as “The Gateway to Cranberry Country”. Tomah residents have been known for collaborative efforts and friendly hometown attitudes.
The City of Tomah has three Industrial Parks. Due to Tomah’s location, midway between Milwaukee and Minneapolis and where the state’s interstate system divides, it provides for a prosperous industrial development environment. Distribution facilities, local and statewide trucking firms enjoy the advantages Tomah has to offer. From Lake Tomah to Recreation Park, visitors and residents enjoy many recreational opportunities. Tomah is also located between Fort McCoy and Volk Field and is fortunate to have the Tomah VA Medical Center in the community. Tomah residents also have the opportunity to obtain quality healthcare services from two hospital affiliated clinics (Mayo Health Care System and Gundersen Lutheran) as well as Tomah Memorial Hospital. The Tomah School District offers students a quality, well-rounded education and geographically is among the largest in the State of Wisconsin.
Governed by an elected Mayor and Common Council, a full-time City Administrator supervises the daily municipal services offered to residents. We are fortunate to have the Tomah Area Ambulance Service, Fire Department and Police Department services available to residents.
Tomah is proud to host the National Tractor Pullers Association’s (NTPA) “Budweiser Wisconsin Dairyland NTPA Super Nationals” each June in Tomah’s Recreation Park. Tomah’s Recreation Park is also home to the Monroe County Fair and many other local events. We also help Warrens celebrate the yearly Cranberry Festival each September.
Whether you’re a proud resident, here to stay or here to play, we think you will find Tomah a one of a kind community with much to offer.