Woonsocket, SD

Town in Sanborn County, SD

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About Woonsocket, SD

The Town With The Beautiful Lake

The City of Woonsocket began in 1883 at the junction of the Chicago, Milwaukee, and Saint Paul Railroads. The superintendent of the railroad was C.H. Prior, and he named the new town Woonsocket, after his home town of Woonsocket, Rhode Island. Lake Prior, located in the center of town, is named after Mr. Prior. The town of Woonsocket grew rapidly. The first day lots were offered for sale, 50 lots were sold. Woonsocket grew so fast that it was called “Boomstrucket.” The population grew from 500 to 800 people in two months.

The first business establishment to be located in Woonsocket was a saloon. Three days after the sale of the first lot, the first church services were held in a carpenter’s shed, which had recently been moved in. Since Woonsocket was in the geographical area of artesian wells, there was an ample supply of good water. For a piece of history on an artesian well that made Woonsocket world famous, click on this link: Woonsocket Artesian Well. Another advantage of Woonsocket was fertile land and good railroad facilities.

Woonsocket is the county seat of Sanborn County and is home to the Sanborn County Courthouse. Looking ahead, it has, and shall always remain “Woonsocket, South Dakota — The Town with the Beautiful Lake.”

Businesses of Woonsocket, SD

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Sanborn County, SD

Visit our county page and you will find information about our town and county's points of interest, festivals/events and faith community. You also will learn about the community organizations that have built and continue to build strong communities (chambers, community groups, and departments, etc) and much more when you visit the Sanborn County, SD page.