The Cushing Betterment Club is a non-profit organization formed 1992 to promote, improve and entertain the Cushing Community. The Club has sponsored Cushing Summer Fun Days which included a Variety Show, Kids games, parade, and booths and barbecue meal. Other events sponsored by the organization include City Wide Garage Sales, Town Beatification and Ecumenical Church Service. In 1995, the Cushing Betterment Club started a Caring For Cushing’s Children Fund. The goal was to get new playground equipment for our Park. Through generous community donations of money and time and a Missouri River Boat Grant, the goal was realized. On June 17, 1995 the new play ground equipment was installed. In 1998, the organization resurrected Old Fashioned Wednesday Night. Homemade ice cream and pie was served. We had singers entertain. This has continued through the years. In June of 2004, we had a Cruise into Cushing Night in conjunction with the Old Fashioned Wednesday Night. Drivers of antiques cars, trucks and tractors cruise into Cushing for the night. Every year this event has grown with as many as 100 classic cars, trucks and tractors coming to Cushing. We also have the Anthon City Band playing music on Main Street – people love sitting and listening to this. And Over 500 people – double the size of Cushing enjoyed viewing the vehicles and a lunch of hot dogs, chips, most importantly homemade pie and ice cream. The evening is a free-will donation.