Rockwell City, IA - Chamber & Development

Community Organization in Rockwell City, IA
  1. Rockwell City Chamber & Development Mission Statement:
    To organize, promote and facilitate industrial, commercial and professional businesses to improve the quality of life in the Rockwell City area and to lead and direct beneficial community projects.

  1. Increase membership and community-wide involvement. Review Chamber and Development membership, membership potential and membership benefits
  2. Coordinate, work with and support activities and projects for Community Revitalization.
  3. Promote the Rockwell City community, existing and potential businesses and industry by sponsoring Retail and Town and Country Promotions.
  4. Promote the Rockwell City community, existing and potential businesses and industry by updating and adding to the current website.
  5. Support and assist clubs, service groups and organizations that work toward the betterment of the Rockwell City community.
Map and Info
Rockwell City, IA - Chamber & Development

Calhoun County, IA

Calhoun County, IA

Visit our county page and you will find information about our town and county's points of interest, festivals/events and faith community. You also will find stories about the contributions made by farmers/ranchers located throughout our county and of course you will learn about the community organizations that have built and continue to build strong communities (chambers, community groups, and departments, etc) and much more when you visit the Calhoun County, IA page.