Lincoln County, NE

County in Southwest NE

On Jan. 7, 1860 the Territorial Legislature approved the boundaries of Shorter County, the forerunner to Lincoln County. In those days this area was the site of considerable hostilities between the Sioux and Cheyenne Indians and the federal government moved in troops to provide protection for the growing number of settlements along the Platte River Valley.

To accommodate the troops, Fort McPherson was built near Cottonwood Canyon in 1863. In addition to controlling Indian tensions, the soldiers stationed here also were assigned to protect dignitary hunting parties that would occasionally come to the area. Buffalo Bill Cody, a name deeply embedded in the history of this area, served as scout and guide for many of these hunters.

The county was officially organized in 1866 and the name was changed to honor President Abraham Lincoln, who had been assassinated the previous year. The county’s boundaries would be redefined again in 1871 to reflect its present dimensions.

Another name long associated with Lincoln County is that of the Union Pacific Railroad. As the railroad pushed west in the 1860s, North Platte developed into one of the prominent railroad towns along the route. It maintains that status today. The railroad’s early influence contributed immensely to the development of the county. Evidence of this can be seen in the following excerpts from one of the company’s advertisements:

“Union Pacific Railroad … has land grants direct from the government … 1,500,000 acres of choice farming lands on the line of the road … in the Great Platte Valley. Now for sale for cash or credit at low rates of interest. Convenient to markets both east and west. Prices range from $2.50 to $10.00 per acre.”

In 1867 the county seat was moved from Cottonwood Springs to North Platte. The county’s first courthouse was built in 1874. After the turn of the century plans began being made for the present courthouse, which was completed in 1920.

Sponsors of Lincoln County, NE

Since the founding of our communities, organizations, businesses and citizens have stepped forward to build and serve their community. Click on any of the logos below to learn about those who made this website possible! If you would like to learn about becoming a sponsor CLICK HERE!

Towns of Lincoln County, NE

The small towns of the Midwest are rich in history and a great way of life! Below you can visit and learn about the small towns we call home! Towns that have their name highlighted have become FEATURED TOWNS. Businesses/organizations from these towns have stepped forward as SPONSORS enabling us to include (or will include as acquired) stories and website links to ALL their community organizations (chambers, groups and departments, etc.), stories and website links to ALL their points of interest, annual festivals/events and stories done about their citizens, veterans and faith community. To learn how to become a featured town CLICK HERE!

Businesses of Lincoln County, NE

The businesses of our towns are truly the lifeblood of each community, click on any businesses below to learn about them, to learn how to add your business to your town and county page CLICK HERE!

Community Organizations of Lincoln County, NE

Small towns and rural communities throughout the Midwest are looking for ways to strengthen their economies, provide better quality of life, and build on local assets. Here you will find the organizations that stabilize, preserve, and revitalize the small towns and rural areas alike. To submit your organization to be included on your town and county page CLICK HERE!

Events of Lincoln County, NE

The small towns of the Midwest have long shared pride in their communities through festivals and events! Citizens from each community, working together, continue to offer entertainment options that not only appeal to their citizens, but visitors to their community! Below you will find festivals and events you are sure to want to attend! If you would like to have (DST) include an annual festival or event on your town and county page CLICK HERE!

Faith Organizations of Lincoln County, NE

Throughout the years faith organizations have not only been an essential part of a town's religious life, but its community life. Below you will find stories about these organizations, If you would like to induct a faith organization to be added to your town and county page CLICK HERE!

Points of Interest of Lincoln County, NE

The communities of the Midwest have a lifestyle unique to their region — rich in history and points of interest like no other! Below you will find points of interest you are sure to want to visit! To nominate a landmark, historic location, museum, etc. as a point of interest on your county and region page CLICK HERE!

Veterans of Lincoln County, NE

Veterans come from many walks of life and whether a veteran has severed two decades ago or two days ago, they have made our freedoms possible. Below you will find stories about many who have served. If you would like to nominate a veteran to be included on your town and county page CLICK HERE!