Welcome to Woodlawn! We are a friendly little church in a very friendly little town. We are a dually affiliated church serving both the Disciples of Christ and the American Baptist denominations. Between our two faith traditions we have been working, worshiping, and serving the Lake City, IA community for over 156 years. Both Woodlawn Christian and First Baptist Church were first founded in the 1860's here in Lake City. Both of our faith traditions believe in the autonomy of the local church and the individual believers. We are proud of both of our heritages and thrilled to have joined together in 2017 in order to continue and to expand our impact in Lake City and beyond. Please drop in and worship with us on Sunday mornings at 10 am, or on Sunday evenings at 6 pm, or if you're searching and looking for an ear to bend, drop in or call the office and visit with Pastor Roy.
Office number
712-464-3290. God bless and we look forward to meeting and worshiping with you!